Fall Write to Win Conference

The Oklahoma Writing Project invites you to attend the Write-to-Win Conference for Secondary Teachers and Students!

Click HERE to register!

Workshops presented by OWP Teacher Consultants will provide pre-writing and drafting activities for various genres including poetry, essays, personal narratives, descriptions, flash fiction, short stories, and super sentences. Students attending the conference may select two grade-level appropriate sessions, and they will leave with a rough draft of a piece to enter into the 2024 Write-to-Win Writing Contest.

Teachers, you may bring up to five students. Conference is limited to 100 participants.

New Campus Location: Meinder's School of Business (Map will come for those who are registering. Parking is closer to this location.)

Target Audience: Grades 6th-12th


8:30 - 9:00: Registrations and refreshments

9:00 - 9:20: Orientation and quick write

9:30 - 10:30: Session One

10:30 - 11:40: Session Two

11:45 - 12:30: Joint Session

12:30 Conference is over; Schools will lunch on their own

Registration Information

The ratio of students to teacher/adult must be no greater than 5:1. (Parents and student teachers are welcome!)           POs are accepted.

Registration Fee (All Participants): $10/each

Registration Deadline: October 27 @5:00 PM


Want to learn more?

Check out these articles below
